25.7. 2023 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 10 år i dag, Stort tillykke til: Kaisa, Penya, Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Zico.
10/6 2023 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 12 år i dag, Stort tillykke til: Aida, Siri, Kenzo & Zacko.
12.5. 2023 – Zari’s MAISHA KULD fylder 8 år i dag. Stort tillykke Til : Asha, Jojo, Nora, Shiba, Mir & Tindo.
3.4. 2023 – Zari’s NADRA KULD fylder 6 år i dag. Stort tillykke med fødselsdagen Safiri & Kubwa/Phønix.
25.7. 2022 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 9 år i dag. Stort tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Zico.
10/6 2022 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 11 år i dag. Stort tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Kenzo, Zacko & Twix.
12.5. 2022 – Zari’s MAISHA KULD fylder 7 år i dag. Stort tillykke til: Asha, Jojo, Nora, Shiba, Mir & Tindo.
3.4. 2022 – Zari’s NADRA KULD fylder 5 år i dag. Stort tillykke med fødselsdagen Safiri & Kubwa/Phønix.
25.7. 2021 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 8 år i dag. Stort tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Zico.
10/6 2021 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 10 år i dag. Stort tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Kenzo, Zacko & Twix.
25.5.2021 – I dag har vi mistet vores elskede skønne Zari. Siden januar har Zari været syg, hun fik en voldsom bihulebetændelse der krævede en operation, de fandt desværre også kræft i pandehulen. Hun kom sig godt efter operationen men kræften voksede og hun fik nogle gener af det. Vi gjorde det bedste for Zari og sendte hende på den sidste rejse.
Hun var glad og sjov som altid og de sidste dage var vi i skoven og parken som hun elskede. Smukke vidunderlige Zari, vi vil aldrig glemme dig, du er i vores hjerter for altid.
12.5. 2021 – Zari’s MAISHA KULD fylder 6 år i dag. Stort tillykke til: Asha, Jojo, Nora, Shiba, Mir & Tindo.
3.4. 2021 – Zari’s NADRA KULD fylder 4 år i dag. Stort tillykke med fødselsdagen Safiri & Kubwa/Phønix.
4.10.2020 – At the Danish Rhodesian Ridgeback National show in Korsør, Giza got Exellent 1.V, CK, 2. BTK Cert in intermedia class
29.8.2020 – At the Danish Rhodesian Ridgeback Speciality show in Strøby, Giza got Exellent 1.V, CK, 4. BTK in intermedia class
25.7. 2020 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 7 år i dag, tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Zico.
10.6. 2020 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 9 år i dag, tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Zari, Kenzo, Raffe, Zacko & Twix.
12.5. 2020 – Zari’s MAISHA KULD fylder 5 år i dag. STORT TILLYKKE TIL: Asha, Jojo, Nora, Shiba, Mir & Tindo.
3.4. 2020 – Zari’s NADRA KULD fylder 3 år i dag, tillykke med fødselsdagen Safiri & Kubwa/Phønix.
22.2.2020 – At the Danish Kennel Club Show Of Winners in Hillerød, Giza got 2V in Debutant Cup
1.12.2019 – At the Danish Kennel Club Open show in Køge, Giza become Exellent 1.V, Best Junior, BIM
31.8. 2019 – At the Danish Rhodesian Ridgeback Speciality Show in Billund, our little girl Giza won Very promissing and Best Puppy. Makucha B’loved Giza by Falko ( Harmakhis Wisdom Aurora Falko Kai X Bitte-Nus Laini Penya) Day 2 Giza better like to jump and have a joy full morning, she become Very promissing and 2. best puppy. We are very proud.
25.7. 2019 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 6 år idag, tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Zico.
21.6. 2019 – At the DKK national show in Vejen, our new girl Giza, Makucha B’loved Giza by Falko become Best puppy and BIS 2 Puppy (Best in show)out of 50+ puppies. We er very happy and proud.
10.6. 2019 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 8 år idag, tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Zari, Kenzo, Raffe, Zacko & Twix.
9.6. 2019 – At the DKK national show in Nykøbing Falster, our new girl Makucha B’loved Giza by Falko , Giza went Best puppy and BIS (Best in show) 3 Puppy. We er very happy and proud, she did it so well and had a lot of fun with all the dogs, also the very big ones.
12/5 2019 – Zari’s MAISHA KULD fylder 4 år idag. STORT TILLYKKE TIL: Asha, Jojo, Nora, Shiba, Chaki, Mir & Tindo.
25/4 2019 – Sikke en skøn dag, vi har hentet vores lille nye lilla pigen, Mukucha B’loved Giza by Falko . Hun er helt vidunderlig sød og dejlig, mega fræk og hun sørger for at vi slet ikke keder os.
3/4 2019 – Zari’s NADRA KULD fylder 2 år i dag, tillykke med fødselsdagen Safiri & Kubwa/Phønix.
1/4 2019 – I dag har vi mistet vores elskede Rejea. De sidste 6 måneder havde hun kræft i halsen og det voksede. Rejea fik lidt smertestillende og var glad og legesyg som hun altid var. Der var en enkelt episode der ikke var rar for Rejea og vi måtte tage den store beslutning. Den sidste dag var vi i hendes ynglings park, Bernstorffs parken hvor hun legede og gav den gas med 2 mindre hunde, jeg optog en video der kan ses under billeder, (når det lykkes at overføre den). Vi er lykkelige over at vi fik de extra 6 måneder med vores fantastiske skønne pige, vi vil aldrig glemme dig, du er for altid i vores hjerter.
25/7 2018 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 5 år idag, tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Zico.
17/7 2018 – Rejea fylder 10 år idag, tillykke dejlige fantastiske pige.
10/6 2018 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 7 år idag, tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Zari, Kenzo, Raffe, Zacko & Twix.
12/5 2018 – Zari’s MAISHA KULD fylder 3 år idag. STORT TILLYKKE TIL: Asha, Jojo, Nora, Shiba, Chaki, Mir & Tindo.
25/7 2017 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 4 år idag, tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Zico.
17/7 2017 – Rejea fylder 9 år idag, tillykke dejlige fantastiske pige.
10/6 2017 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 6 år idag, tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Zari, Kenzo, Raffe, Twix & Zacko.
12/5 2017 – Zari’s MAISHA KULD fylder 2 år idag. STORT TILLYKKE TIL: Asha, Jojo, Nora, Shiba, Chaki, Mir & Tindo.
19/4 2017 – This morning Bitte-Nus Laini Penya got 11 lovely puppies, 8 male, one still born, 3 females. 3 males and 1 female has levernose. All with perfect ridge, 4 kinked tale no.DS.
15/4 2017 – Zari is taken good care of her two girls, the first days she was not even leave the box. Miss Light blue had open eyes 5 days old and her weight is now at day 12, 2144 g and Miss Green has open eyes at day 8 and her weight is 1918 g. The twin girls has a lovely life, they eat with plessure at the big milk bar and sleep a lot. They are started to walk a little around and Zari is playing carefully with them. Soon the more funny time will start and the grand mother Rejea will take care of them too. Zari is doing fine, she is very happy and like to eat in the kitchen and also she want to be with us in the living room for few minutes.
3/4 2017 – 2 lovely females and no more was inside Zari’s belly. The luck was not with us this time. The first puppy was very big and in a bad position, so after 4 hours without a coat we had to get the puppy out. Zari had a caesarian ( first we ever had) and the female we think was dead, was screaming and so much alive!!!! one more female come to the word. 1. girl 686g correct, 2. girl 618g correct. No kinked tale no DS. so far, unfortunately both of them with overbite. We are so happy that Zari is a strong healthy dog, she is doing well and love her puppies.
26/2 2017 – Great news, Zari is now 4 weeks pregnant, she has a little sweet belly and she is very hungry. Zari is more close to me when we go for our walk in the park and the wood, but she is good to take care of herself when we meet other dogs. We are so happy and look foreward for some lovely puppies.
11/2 2017 – At the CAC show in Middelfart
Penya wonExellent 1.Winner with CQ CAC BOS best female at the show.
2/2 2017 – Zari and Taariq had a happy wedding
We expect the puppies to come around the 1. April.
Zari and Taariq were so happy together, had a lot of fun, it was so lovely to watch them play. Taariq is the sweetest lover boy I ever seen, he was jumping around Zari as a gazelle, what a show he made for her. I just love him and so did Zari.
Thank You me dear Jana for letting me use Your beautiful Taariq, he is very much more amazing in real life, than on pictures. I hope we will get some nice puppies from this combination. Zari and I had a long journey, a trip by train at 2884 km. We had 26 ½ hours from Copenhagen to Bzenec in Cz Repuplic. We go by train, on 1. class that gave more space for Zari. In Hamburg we had to wait 4 hours, we had the time to take a long walk around the canal and went to a restaurant to have a nice dinner. From Hamburg we took the night train to Wienna with our own compartment. Zari is just fantastic, she is so relaxed and so easy to travel with, nice and friendly to people.
In Breclav Jana pick us up.
Zari and I had 3 very lovely days together with Taariq and Jana, even though the weather was so cold -10 degree. In Bzenec there were a lot of snow a little bit too much for Zari. Even though we had some fantastic walks In Bzenec, a very nice place and people there were so friendly.
Thanks Jana for a nice stay and give your lovely dog a big hug and a lot of kisses.
On our way back home we used one more train from Moravsky písek to Breclav, the trip back were only 23 hours!!!
Zari and I had 5 very lovely days together. Now we are safe home and Rejea is a very happy dog because her daughter is back home.
28/1 2017 – It is time for go the long trip to Glenaholm Taariq in CZ Rep. Zari & Taariq had som nice time together and the were married to times. We went home again the 2. of February. Now we cross fingers for some lovely puppies.
15/1 2017 – We are very happy to tell You that Zari has started her season 13.01.2017, we expect the mating in the end af January. Zari and Vibeke will take the long trip by train to beautiful Glenaholm Taariq in the Czech republic.
18/12 2016 – To day we had a Christmas party for the Laini litter. Thank You dear Heidi and Flemming for let us be in your house. We had a lovely walk in the valley and on the beach. It was nice to se Penya, Kito, Rejea & Zari, they had so got time together.
28/8 2016 – To day we had the 3 years birthday party for the Laini litter. We had a lovely walk on Oxmountin in Glostrup. We went to our garden and have some nice cake and pressent for the dogs. Thank you Penya, Kaisa & Kito for comming.
25/7 2016 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 3 år idag, tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Zico
17/7 2016 – Rejea fylder 8 år idag, tillykke dejlige fantastiske pige.
10/6 2016 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 5 år idag, tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Zari, Kenzo, Raffe, Twix & Zacko
16/5 2016 – I dag fejerede vi 1 års fødselsdag for Asha, Nora, Shiba & Chaki. Vi var på Oxbjerget i Glostrup skønt sted for hundene at fjolle rundt med hinanden og så var der gaver, kagekone samt bobler, kaffe & cacao.
12/5 2016 – Zari’s MAISHA KULD fylder 1 år idag. STORT TILLYKKE TIL: Asha, Jojo, Nora, Shiba, Chaki, Mir & Tindo.
5/5 2016 – Vi var til udstilling i Stepping og fik besøg af Mir & Tindo med deres familier. Vi havde en dejlig dag med hunde leg, fødselsdagsgaver + forsinkede julegaver. Der var boblevand og cacao til de 2 benede.
28/3 2016 – Bitte-Nus Laini Zalika had 13 puppies, 10 male and 3 female 2 of each with levernose. All with long correct ridge, no DS or kinked tale.
5/1 2016 – Bitte-Nus Laini Zalika: HD A, ED 0
3/1 2016 – ÅRETS JULEHYGGE MED MAISHA KULDET. Det var skønt at se de store banditter Asha, Shiba, Chaki lege med Zari og Rejea. Vi hyggede i Dyssegårdsparken og fik gløgg og gaver hjemme hos os.
27/12 2015 – ÅRETS JULEHYGGE HOS BIRGIT. Det var skønt at se Kaisa, Penya, Zalika, Zari, Rejea og Kito med deres familier til vores julehygge, kæmpe tak til Birgit for at vi måtte sidde til bords i JUL I TIVOLI det var helt fantastisk.
26/9 2015 – We are all so sad, today Bitte-Nus Maisha Gaidi was hit by a car and she died. You were Mona & Michaels lovely and beautiful girl. We will never forget You Orange girl.

30/8 2015 – Vi holdt LAINI KULDETS 1 års fødselsdag (lidt for sent). Vi holdt en dejlig fest i Vibeke & Christians skønne have. Dejligt at se Kaisa, Penya, Rejea, Zuri, Zari, Kito og Tamu.
25/7 2015 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 2 år idag, tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zalika-Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Tamu-Zico
17/7 2015 – Rejea fylder 7 år idag, tillykke dejlige fantastiske pige.
13/7 2015 – Bitte-Nus Laini Penya er fotograferet: HD A, ED 0, OCD ikke påvist
12/7 2015 – Zari’s Bitte-Nus Maisha kuldet er nu alle rejst til deres nye familier.
10/6 2015 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 4 år idag, tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Zari, Kenzo, Raffe, Twix & Zacko
14/5 2015 – KBHJV14 Bitte-Nus Laini Kito won Junior of the Year, Intermedia of the Year and nr.3 best male in the Danish Ridgeback Club. What a great boy.
12/5 2015 – Zari had 8 puppies from 00.03 – 10.11. 3 males and 5 females, 3 males and 3 females is korrekt all over, 1 female ridgeless and one has a kinked tale. All has white on the chest. No sinus.
19/4 2015 – UHM idag i Allerød hvor Bitte-Nus Laini Penya, Badu, Kito & Zico(Tamu) alle bestod.
23/3 2015 – Bitte-Nus Laini Kito er fotograferet: HD A, ED 0, OCD ikke påvist
22/2 2015 – Zari is in heat now and we look foreward to visit the prins Berry Neomele in Croatia. We had allready told the good news to the familyes who are waiting for a puppy.
18/2 2015 – Bitte-Nus Laini Freya er fotograferet: HD A, ED 0
31/12 2014 – Bitte-Nus Laini Zalika er fotograferet: HD A, ED 0
28/12 2014 – ÅRETS JULEHYGGE HOS BIRGIT. Det var skønt at se Kaisa, Penya, Zalika, Zari, Enzi og Kito med deres familier til vores julehygge, kæmpe tak til Birgit for at vi måtte sidde til bords i JULEMANDENS VÆRKSTED, det var helt fantastisk.
21/9 2014 – HAPPY NEWS! BITTE-NUS LAINI KITO, at the show in Hillerød 21/9 2014 kito won: Exellent 1. winner CK Res Cert KBHJV14
25/7 2014 – Rejea’s LAINI KULD fylder 1 år idag, tillykke til: Freya, Kaisa, Penya, Zalika-Zawa, Zuri, Badu, Enzi, Kito & Tamu-Zico
15/6 2014 – Vi holdt LAINI KULDETS 1 års fødselsdag (lidt for tidligt). Vi holdt en dejlig fest i Birgits skønne have. Dejligt at se Kaisa, Penya, Rejea, Zari, Badu, Kito og Tamu.
10/6 2014 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 3 år idag, tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Siri, Zari, Kenzo, Raffe, Twix & Zacko
10/6 2013 – Rejea’s KIFANI KULD fylder 2 år idag, tillykke til: Aida, Akili, Juwa, Siri, Zari, Kenzo, Raffe, Twix & Zacko
26/5 2013 – Rejea er blevet parret med SECH SEVCH Ultra Aslans Heartbreaker
19/5 2013 – Zari er Årets Mellemklasse Tæve
21/4 2013 – UHM, Kenzo, Raffe, Zari & Zacko bestod alle idag
15/9 2012 – DKK’s Internationale udstilling i Vejen
Bitte-Nus Kifani Zari
Junior Klasse Tæve
– Excellent
– 1. vinder
– CK
– 2. Bedste Tæve
– Reserve Cert